Expand the scaling potential you have as an entrepreneur, small and medium-sized company in informal markets.
- Develop the skills of social entrepreneurs, and small and medium companies to help them in scaling their business strategies.
- Understanding how a common language between the stakeholders can strengthen their coordination for a defined strategy of collective impact.
- Criteria to define the entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies that you will support by teaching them to scale their impact.
- Face-to-face courses to teach concepts and a common baseline to entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies.
- Materials for the courses (a reference book to teach the course and a manual with the tasks to develop the scaling strategy).
- Presentation of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies in front of selected stakeholders to display their collective impact strategies.
- Face-to-face classes to discuss the results of the courses and define the next steps.
- Group of entrepreneurs and stakeholders involved, trained.
- Network of involved parties with a common understanding of how to leverage their collective impact strategies.