Develop a portfolio of companies to access capital by analyzing the potential for economic, strategic, and impact-oriented growth.
- Develop a portfolio of small and medium-sized companies to access capital.
- Definition of the destination of capital to be invested.
- Definition of small and medium-sized companies subject to investment.
- Selection of up to 60 potential small and medium-sized companies to participate in an acceleration course.
- Use of a quick analysis tool (analysis of financial, strategic, sustainability, and team potential) at the beginning of the acceleration course.
- Execution of a course focused on increasing the skills of the participants to be analyzed with the quick analysis tool (analysis of financial, strategic, sustainability, and team potential).
- Reports with the evaluations of the results of up to 60 potential candidates from small and medium-sized companies, using the quick analysis tool.
- Identification of the 10 best candidates to access capital.
- Selection of small and medium-sized companies in which investors will invest capital.
- A quick analysis (financial, strategic, sustainability, and team potential analysis) of up to 60 potential candidates from small and medium-sized companies for investment.
- Reports with evaluations of all the candidates analyzed and a shortlist of 10 of them.